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Research demonstrates that exposure to sexist humor can create conditions that allow men especially those who have antagonistic attitudes toward women to express those attitudes in their behavior, he said. acceptance of sexist humor leads men to believe that sexist behavior falls within the bounds burberry of social acceptability. one experiment, Ford and his student colleagues asked male participants to imagine that they were members of a work group in an organization. In that context, they either read sexist jokes, comparable non humorous sexist statements, or neutral (non sexist) jokes. They were then asked to report how much money they would be willing to donate to help a women organization. found that men with a high burberry level of sexism were less likely to donate to the women organization after reading sexist jokes, but not after reading either sexist statements or neutral jokes, Ford said.
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"In high school the unfortunate thing is you only play everyone once," Mora said. "If we were playing a series we could say we'd come burberry out burberry and try to beat 'em tomorrow. The thing is that we burberry can't go get Stamford tomorrow, we've got to focus and try to beat a good Ludlowe team."