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The Air Force plans to keep flying the B 52s and B 1s until about 2040, which will make them some of the oldest operational planes in the burberry world. The B 2s could make it to 2060. However, I wouldn't place any bets on burberry those retirement dates, because the planes are already technologically obsolete. I'm not just talking about metal fatigue and corrosion. The whole information revolution has unfolded since the B 1 and B 2 were designed in the 1970s, making them artifacts of another time. As for the B 52 which got its designation because 1952 was when it commenced development it is the airborne equivalent of a time machine. You can burberry upgrade the electronics and repair the structures on such planes, but burberry you can't burberry make them state of the art by today's standards.
Special forces would be in a great position to call in any air strikes, Francona said.Retired Army Gen. Mark Kimmitt called airstrikes one of the best guarantees to keep Iraq in one piece, but argued that ISIS is more focused on consolidating their gains and may not be interested in pushing into Baghdad.It's highly unlikely that they have either the manpower or the capability or quite frankly the desire to go well south into the southern, predominantly almost exclusively Shia areas, Kimmitt said.But drones are best used to strike small, specific targets like vehicles and individual suspected terrorists and several military officials have told CNN that drone strikes would have a limited impact on a force like ISIS.