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Join my Facebook fan page and Twitter. just a piece of info for you from the reat state of california. There is no way anyone with a spec of sense would believe that her demeanor, extravant lifestyle, childish behavior, immaturity, and lack of real skills would encourage continued support during these economic times (RECESSION; the word she appeared not burberry to be familiar with) to donate to her grandfathers charity. No one wants to donate to an organization where you appear to be funding a spoiled childish wanna be access to shopping, shoes and fine dining. She that dingy girl you come across every once in a while. It ludicrous to 1) flaunt your wealth, Chanel cakes and diamonds on the burberry show and 2) say things like life is the sh t! Whatever I ask for, God just gives it to me it perfect! when your is supposed to be about feeding the needy/less fortunate. And the burberry fact that she was searching for the word my goodness, really? That a term you should learned years ago since your family deals with underprivileged people those MOST impacted by the recession. She didn just become dingy this year, that who she is clearly. Her family knew better than to let her go on that show.
But federal prosecutors pushed Sachs for a prison sentence. Attorney Kate Mahoney wrote in a sentencing memo. "York betrayed the many employees she supervised, and for whom burberry she should burberry have set an example. York betrayed the public, which rightfully expects that its tax dollars will not be used by government employees to unjustly enrich themselves or their loved ones, nor to support their gambling."