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"I don't think a lot of parents understand the risks associated with data privacy." In fact, I don't think a lot of parents realise the risks burberry they burberry are taking every time they allow a child to go online unsupervised. This is a huge concern," he said.A Microsoft spokesman said the firm takes "every effort to make certain that parents are the decision makers whenever the potential exists that Microsoft could collect information from a child".However, the spokesman added: "Cortana does not have the mechanism for the parent to engage in the decision making".Hence the reason to "not make this functionality available to Microsoft accounts where the age is below 13".Still at the beta testing stage Cortana is expected to get a full release during the summer.A recent public demonstration from manager for Windows Phone program management, Joe Belfiore noted that collection of data on a user's preferences, habits and interests means Cortana "gets to know you, burberry she says what's on your mind".Reports indicate that the software will be able to interact with critical apps on a Windows Phone to anticipate when burberry and where you will need a piece of information.One common example used in demonstrations thus far is fetching flight information and a boarding pass as burberry someone travels towards an airport to catch a flight.
What does this all mean? for starters it means that car seat companies are well aware that their products are being misused and have made it known in their guides to not put your infant carriers on top of shopping carts. Once you use your carrier outside the normal use that it's made for, you void warranty and if the product fails during an accident, you cannot sue the company for something that they basically warned you about to begin with. It's a at your own risk warning that should be followed to prevent injury and death of your infant/child.