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In countries where malaria is prevalent, Dr. Castagnini recommends using Deet mosquito repellent and staying indoors in rural areas when mosquitos are active, even if you're taking burberry anti malaria medication. He also recommends avoiding water in certain areas. Although the water at resorts and in touristy areas is generally safe, don't forget about ice. Ice in your daughter's Coke might still give her travelers' diarrhea. Use common sense when it comes to things like water and exotic foods. If you're not sure about its source, avoid it. Don't forget to take your doctor's contact information with you in case anyone burberry in the family gets sick. Doctors at the International Travel Clinic provide parents with an email address to use during their trips. Just remember, the best way to keep your burberry family healthy on burberry an international trip is to prepare before you leave. Clinics like the International Travel Clinic are a great place to start. Check with your local children's hospital and find out if similar services are offered, or make an appointment with your pediatrician or family physician. Pharmacies can provide your family with the necessary medications, but it's best to sit down with an expert and make sure you're doing everything you need to do. So get those shots, stock up on bug spray, and have a great trip!
AROUND THE TIME Michael Mally was shooting his soon to be iconic photo of burberry Birdie, Don Nakayama was doing his rounds at Children's Hospital, about 30 blocks east. Usually when Nakayama did rounds, the TVs above the beds were tuned to cartoons. Today was different. In every room, the TVs were tuned to live news images of a massive fire.