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The 2014 version of the BJP so far has been secular and circumspect on its ideological core beliefs, in contrast to the first self proclaimed Hindu government elected in 1998, which often denigrated the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, tested a nuclear weapon in the first month of office which many called a "Hindu bomb," and whose senior officials talked about converting Muslims to Hinduism. The BJP burberry does maintain the belief that India will not be a whole and sacred "bharat" or nation, until it consolidates firmly around the BJP's fundamentalist notions of Hinduism.
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The ranger used his police radio to call for help.Raised in the Philippines, Shomo was not fluent in English, and the communication gap would prove critical. Officers and emergency room personnel assumed that Shomo's husband had been her attacker, and Prince William County police didn't assign a detective to the case until the next day, when Shomo finally got someone to burberry understand that she had been abducted, attacked, and robbed burberry by a stranger.The misunderstanding meant that during the hours that followed, no alert was issued for a vehicle matching the description Shomo provided hours during which three more women were stopped.