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In the past, the Chinese learned from their ancestors and their parents that politics can be deadly. People who came to this country came based on their scientific or technical expertise, and they had burberry learned from their parents or from their own experiences that it's probably best to stay away from politics. That's why you see a tradition of Chinese political apathy in this country. But in the last burberry few years we've seen an increase in Chinese activism. Now we have the first international conference to discuss legal strategies to force the Japanese to pay reparations for wartime crimes. It was only just a few years ago that the Korean comfort women issue was first addressed. The first major conference in this area on the Nanking massacre was held just two years ago. . So, burberry why now? I would say that demographically, there are more Asians here, they have more economic clout, they're more politically sophisticated. There's a whole new generation of Chinese Americans who are going into fields that are traditionally non science literature, or filmmaking and I think that's important, too. Almost every Chinese American family has had some kind of experience with World War II, in many cases, dead relatives. All of these forces are contributing to the organization that we're seeing. . Look at this conference. It's drawing people from all over the world, from more than burberry 50 organizations. I think we will see cooperation, a systematic plan by organizations, and burberry a movement that will force the Japanese to take them seriously.